Hendricks County Senior Services provides transportation services to anyone, 60 or older, needing a ride within Hendricks County. Transportation is provided for daily necessities, like medical appointments, grocery shopping, legal, social service, financial business, nutrition sites, and other life-essential service destinations. This service is provided on a donation basis.
Our transportation services are provided by properly licensed staff who receive regular appropriate training. We are committed to the safe operation and maintenance of our vehicles, including the safe boarding and unloading of passengers.
Appointments are made on a first come/first served basis for door-to-door transportation (including wheelchair transport, portable oxygen, attendants, and service animals) for destinations in Hendricks County. Transportation is available five days a week during office hours (6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). Service is not available on holidays or when the weather is inclement. To make an appointment call 317-718-4474. It is suggested that you call as far in advance as possible.
LINK Hendricks County provides public transit service to persons of any age (including wheelchair transport, portable oxygen, attendants, and service animals). Services are available to anyone needing a ride within Hendricks County. Those under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. If your child falls under the Indiana Child Seat Law you must provide a state-approved car seat.
LINK service is scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, so riders are encouraged to call as soon as possible, with 48 hours notice and up to five (5) weeks in advance. Curb-to-curb transportation is available Monday through Friday, during the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Service is not available on holidays or when inclement weather prohibits safe boarding and/or travel. This is a fee-based service, $6 round trip within a town; $8 round trip within the county. The service is scheduled by calling LINK at 317-718-4474 and requesting LINK transportation.
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TITLE VI Notice to the Public:
Title VI & ADA Complaint Procedure
Title VI & ADA Complaint Form
Reasonable Modification Policy
Reasonable Modification Program Complaint Form
Brochure & Rider Guide LINK – Hendricks County Public Transit
LINK Hendricks County is interested in contracting and working with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). DBE certified businesses should contact the Transportation Coordinator at to learn more about the opportunities to work with HCSS.
“This place is wonderful! So friendly and helpful!!! And their bus service is such a help to me as I don’t drive any more. Just took a watercolor class there and had a great experience: met new people and learned a lot about watercolor that I hadn’t been told before.”